Wild West Relay
The Wild West Relay covers 200 scenic miles, with 36 legs, beginning in the foothills of beautiful Fort Collins before sending runners deep into the heart of the Rocky Mountains, over two mountain passes and finishing in Steamboat Springs, CO.
This life changing relay road race is a team-oriented adventure with experiences and views you'll never forget. Each team consists of either twelve runners and two vehicles (the vast majority of the teams) or six runners and one vehicle (Ultra teams), or an odd amount of runners of any other quantity.
August 2-3, 2024
Flaming Foliage Relay
Flaming Foliage is an overnight team relay race adventure with single track trails, from Idaho Springs to beautiful Buena Vista, over Guanella, Georgia & Fremont Passes.
Covering 165 miles, this life changing relay road race is a team-oriented adventure with experiences and views you'll never forget. Each team consists of either ten runners, an Ultra team of 4-5, or a Super Ultra team of 1-3.